Github Integration Configuration

Modify OneSky Configuration File in your Github repository

You can edit .oneskyapp.yml in your Github repository to customize the integration experience.

Pull Source Files

You can specify a particular directory or files in your Github repository to upload to OneSky as the source. Please make sure there is at least one file under the specified path, so we both know that the path set up is correct.

      source_path: '/HelloWorld/en.lproj/Localizable.strings'

Specifying more files by appending array items

      source_path: '/HelloWorld/en.lproj/Localizable.strings'
      source_path: '/HelloWorldTest/en.lproj/Localizable.strings'
      source_path: '/HelloWorld/en.lproj/Main.stringsdict'

Specify one wildcard search with an asterisk.

      source_path: '/HelloWorld/en.lproj/*.strings'
      source_path: '/HelloWorldTest/en.lproj/*.strings'

Push translations files

You can specify a path of translation file in your Github repository as translation

      source_path: '/HelloWorld/en.lproj/*.strings'
      translation_path: '/HelloWorld/[locale].lproj/[filename].strings'

You can specify options

      source_path: '/HelloWorld/en.lproj/*.strings'
      translation_path: '/HelloWorld/[locale].lproj/[filename].strings'
        fill_untranslated_keys_with_source_text: true

Synchronize Multilingual Files

We will only import from the source language specified in your project in source file updates and import from specified languages in translation updates.

When you have multilingual files, that means you have a file containing both source text and translations, you can specify the path as follows.

      multilingual_path: '/HelloWorld/objects.json'