This endpoint retrieves information about a specific workspace identified by the workspace_id in the URL. The response includes details such as the workspace name, description, creation date, subscription status, credit balance, free word limit, API usage limits, and usage statistics.

The response body provides the following information:

  • "id": The unique identifier of the workspace.
  • "name": The name of the workspace.
  • "description": A brief description of the workspace.
  • "created_at": The date and time when the workspace was created.
  • "subscription": Details about the subscription status, name, and validity.
  • "credit_balance": The current credit balance of the workspace.
  • "free_words": The limit of free words available for the workspace.
  • "api_limits": Limits for monthly, hourly, minute, and second API usage, along with the remaining limits for each duration.
  • "usage": Statistics on the total number of strings, words, and files used within the workspace.

No request body is required for this GET request.

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