This endpoint retrieves information about a specific file within a workspace. The HTTP GET request to /v1/workspaces/{workspace_id}/files/{file_id} fetches details such as the file name, status, format, locale, word count, source, upload date, last modified date, and a URL to access the file content.


  • Method: GET
  • URL:{workspace_id}/files/{file_id}


The response will include the following information about the file:

  • file_id (string): The unique identifier for the file.
  • file_name (string): The name of the file.
  • file_status (string): The status of the file, e.g., "IMPORTED".
  • format_id (string): The format of the file, e.g., "txt".
  • locale (string): The locale of the file, e.g., "en_US".
  • word_count (integer): The number of words in the file.
  • source (string): The source of the file.
  • upload_date (string): The date and time when the file was uploaded.
  • last_modified (string): The date and time when the file was last modified.
  • url (string): A URL to access the content of the file.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!