This endpoint allows you to update a specific string within a workspace. The request should be sent as an HTTP PUT to the specified URL with the workspace ID and string ID in the path parameters. The request should include a JSON payload with details such as key, context, locales, content, tag, character limit, translatable, archived status, and pluralization information.

Request Body

  • key: The unique identifier for the string.
  • context: The context in which the string is used.
  • locales: An object containing the source locale and an array of target locales.
  • content: An array of string content for the string.
  • tag: A tag associated with the string.
  • character_limit: The character limit for the string.
  • translatable: A boolean indicating whether the string is translatable.
  • archived: A boolean indicating whether the string is archived.
  • is_plural: A boolean indicating whether the string is plural.
  • is_translated: A boolean indicating whether the string is translated.


The response will include the updated details of the string, including the string ID, key, context, locales, content, tag, character limit, translatable status, archived status, pluralization information, and values for different locales.

Example Response:

    "string_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
    "key": "example_key",
    "context": "example_context",
    "locales": {
        "source": "en_US",
        "target": ["fr_FR", "es_ES"]
    "content": ["Web","Game"],
    "tag": "content_editor",
    "character_limit": 100,
    "translatable": true,
    "archived": false,
    "is_plural": false,
    "is_translated": true,
    "values": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "value": "valeur_exemple_1"
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "value": "valeur_exemple_1"
            "locale": "es_ES",
            "value": "valor_ejemplo_1"

In case of a plural string, the response will include an array of values for each locale, with each value associated with a specific plural form.

Example Response for Plural String:

    "string_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
    "key": "example_key",
    "context": "example_context",
    "locales": {
        "source": "en_US",
        "target": ["fr_FR", "es_ES"]
    "content": ["Web"],
    "tag": "content_editor",
    "character_limit": 100,
    "translatable": true,
    "archived": false,
    "is_plural": true,
    "is_translated": true,
    "values": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "value": [
                    "value": "apple",
                    "pluralForm": "ONE"
                    "value": "apples",
                    "pluralForm": "OTHER"
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "value": [
                    "value": "яблоко",
                    "pluralForm": "ONE"
                    "value": "яблоки",
                    "pluralForm": "OTHER"
            "locale": "es_ES",
            "value": [
                    "value": "яблоко",
                    "pluralForm": "ONE"
                    "value": "яблоки",
                    "pluralForm": "OTHER"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!